1. Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout
(I wasn't really sure how much I'd end up liking this one -- alien romance? uhh... -- but I'm glad I gave it a chance. This book was awesome, hooks you pretty quick, and really kicked off an excellent start to a new-book year!)
2. Variant by Robsion Wells
(Besides the intriguing cover this book really had me curious from it's description. Kids trapped in a school with no teachers, no adults, and having to split into groups to survive? Not to mention that it has a twist that takes the book off in to a genre I definitely did not expect.)
3. Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25 by Richard Paul Evans
(This was one of the books I was most excited to start reading and it did not disappoint. Though aimed at a little on the younger side of YA, who isn't intrigued by teenagers with electrical based powers having to team up and take on an evil organization.)
4. Ashfall by Mike Mullin
(Some reviews had me a little iffy on this one, but I'm glad I decided to give it my own shot. I really enjoyed the route this one took. It didn't shy away from the gruesomeness that a cataclysmic event, like the eruption of a Super Volcano, could impart on a society on the edge. It reminded me of a much more laid back version of The Road.)
5. The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting
(What can be said about this series, but Wow! I did not expect to fall so head over heels for this book series. This love for a series hadn't happened since the Strange Angels series. Ha ha, I was even online ordering the 2nd book before I'd even finished this one.)
6. Touch by Jus Accardo
(And now we arrive at the first book of the many I'd been pouring over that I didn't enjoy as much as I'd hoped. One about a guy whose touch is poison to anything living who meets a girl, the first person in the world that can survive his touch. It sounds like a great stepping stone for a wonderful and exciting paranormal romance novel, and kinda was. It was more the rest that was ehh. Although I didn't think it was all that, I'm still looking forward to the sequel.)
7. Desires of the Dead by Kimberly Derting
(It arrived just after I finished Touch. It didn't last long. This one was just as wonderful as the first, though a tad slower paced. I can't wait for the next book in the series. Just a month away!)
8. Hold Me Closer, Necormancer by Lish McBride
(I think the thing that drew me most to this book was the blurb on the front: "This is a SCARY funny book or a FUNNY scary book..." I've never heard a book described like that, and it fit it so perfectly. Also, well, necromancing is a cool, little-used genre in the paranormal scene. Anyway, I loved this book too. Man I was on a role with books this year!)
9. Trance by Linda Gerber
(This was actually a book I had gotten around August last year, but I couldn't really get into it at the time. I had it sitting in my car (*emergency book*) and I had just finished HMC,N so I scooped this one back up to give it another chance. I'd give it a B-/C+. About a girl who receives future visions of horrible accidents at the most in-opportune times (including a life-altering one), the novel had its moments, but the ending was underwhelming and predictable. Just left me ready to move on to my next book.)
10. A Beautiful Evil by Kelly Keaton
(I loved Darkness Becomes Her and had this one pre-ordered from Amazon. If I remember correctly, this arrived right before I jumped in to the next book on my shelf, Half-Blood. I decided that one could wait and turned my attentions thusly. This book moved pretty swiftly and left me wanting more. Haha, I guess that's the purpose, but Aye Karumba, would another 100 pages have hurt? This story is too good!)
11. Half-Blood by Jennifer Armentrout
(Speaking of too good--just wow! This was just like The Body Finder series, hooking me immediately and making me really fall in love with this series. I had purposely pushed off reading this one for quite a while, and it being this good made me both happy that I did and angry about it at the same time, haha. I could not wait for the next book in this exciting and deliciously cool series. The world, the characters, the romance! Simply Aye-Freaking-Karumba!)
12. Spellbound by Rachel Hawkins
(I excitedly managed to snag this one a month early from an EBAY seller. As the final book in the trilogy it proved satisfying. The first half of the book was intriguing and awesome. I think it was just how fast the ending came and went that left me wanting a little more. The resolution was very sweet and succinct, though.)
13. Divergent by Veronica Roth
(This was another one I was super excited for and so saved until the near-end of my dwindling book stack. I'd heard really rousing buzz for this book series. It really didn't disappoint. A cool, unique world and concept for the factions, excellent character development, and an awesomely unexpected ending just left me panting for the sequel.)
14. Pure by Jennifer Armentrout
(I could not wait for this book. When Amazon sent my pre-order a month early, I was fist pumping. I devoured this sequel VERY quickly. It was extremely excellent. The chance at even possibly being able to get an ARC of the next book in the series, Deity (coming out in October), was actually the main inspiration for the start of this blog.)
And that's all for now. You're all caught up. 3 months of reading. I'm looking forward to writing up reviews for most, if not all, of these books eventually. I'll also be sure to keep this blog updated with each new book I read. And, for next time, I'll work on a list of the remaining books still stacked on my shelf and the ones soon to come out that I'm keeping an eye on. Until then...
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