Sunday, April 8, 2012

First Ever Giveaway Winner!!!

And the winner is....    MALINDA COOPER    DEVON!   Congratulations Malinda   Devon!  I've just sent out an e-mail to you regarding your win.  Don't forget to leave me a comment on here proving your followership, haha.

To the rest of you:  I want to thank the 10 people who did submit entries.  Do make sure to check back here between now and Tuesday Thursday afternoon to make sure Malinda Devon has responded and OFFICIALLY won the giveaway.  If she he hasn't I'll have to redraw for another.  Also, make note that I am going to try to have a giveaway, at least, at the start of each month, though on a lesser scale.  Books that aren't chosen by Malinda Devon may end up as prizes/options for other giveaways, but there will always be a new book option each time.  Regarding those contests, I've been thinking about exactly how I might go about those.  For example, I've been thinking about maybe having it with 1 winner getting to choose their prize out of 2-3 book options.  Maybe sometimes having multiple copies of a certain book so that I can do 2 winners with 1 grand prize winner getting to choose an extra book from a couple of options.  And other such things...  You guys should sound off in the comments with your thoughts and opinions.

So that's it for now.  Like always, don't be afraid to check out any of my other posts and leave me comments, haha.  And until then...


  1. Congrats on the win Malinda!

    1. Well if I don't get a reply by tomorrow at noon her win is forfeited and I have to do a redraw. There's a chance any of the others who submitted could still be the winner. So if you entered you can still keep your fingers crossed, haha. Just check back here tomorrow.

    2. Haha, yeah. Congratulations! I had to do a redraw since Malinda failed to respond and it came up #6, which was you sir. I anticipate I'll be sending the books your way on Friday. And thanks for participating and following the blog!
